Friday, May 9, 2008

Comment to FDA Approved?

In my colleagues blog ,which you can view here,, some very good points are made! It is stated in this blog we need to be more careful with what we are eating and I could not agree more! Unfortunanetly I believe we can not trust the FDA. They are approving substances that are very dangerous to our health. In this blog there is a comment on aspartame which is known to cause health problems yet we are still consuming it. I ahve always wondered why so many substances are appproved that re known to cause health problems. Of course my assumption always goes straight to money. There is some profit in it and that is the American way. Ciggaretes are a good example of this. I know you do not eat them but they do go into your body. They are nothing but detrimental to your health yet they are approved for sale. Our own species poisoning us. Really the only way to get change is to stop buying the products!

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